Product Lineup

Next remote work solution

Do you want to join the conference call at home or in a cafe?
There’s no need to worry about noisy children's voices and BGM

able plushelps your work style

Coming Soon
able plus 電話会議 テレワーク

Enjoy sound more casually

It looks like a stylish glasses. But really ...
Using able glass, you can enjoy listening music and speaking on the phone naturally
It's like a spy tool and evolved from
able plus / able plus

Coming Soon
able glass スマートグラス メガネ

Customer Voice

“I was able to listen to my family or friend’s voice in front of me in noisy place”

I was able to listen to my family or friend’s voice in front of me in noisy place.
It also reduced much of the noise around me which came to me as a great surprise.
I very much like the concept, “to emphasize the sound you want to hear” rather than just making everything louder.
With its app( able plus),
I was able to easily adjust the sound without needing to physically visit stores which has been a burden for me.

難聴 老人 60代男性

60's / Male

難聴 60代女性

50's / Female

“I like it for its “reasonable price and easy customization”

When I first used the able aid, it sounded a bit muffled as I was used to the sound of other brand’s product.
However, after testing my hearing with the app ( able eq)and customized the sound, the the muffless was gone and became comfortable to use.
I like it for its “reasonable price and easy customization”.

Customer Voice

“I was able to listen to my family or friend’s voice in front of me in noisy place”

I was able to listen to my family or friend’s voice in front of me in noisy place.
It also reduced much of the noise around me which came to me as a great surprise.
I very much like the concept, “to emphasize the sound you want to hear” rather than just making everything louder.
With its app( able plus),
I was able to easily adjust the sound without needing to physically visit stores which has been a burden for me.

難聴 老人 60代男性

60's / Male

“I like it for its “reasonable price and easy customization”

When I first used the able aid, it sounded a bit muffled as I was used to the sound of other brand’s product.
However, after testing my hearing with the app ( able eq)and customized the sound, the the muffless was gone and became comfortable to use.
I like it for its “reasonable price and easy customization”.

難聴 60代女性

50's / Female